St George's Primary School Portland

School Meals

School Lunches

Please click on the links below to see our Menu and Allergens lists

Autumn Menu - 2024

Autumn Allergens - 2024

 Summer Menu - 2024

Summer Allergens - 2024

 Menu January 2024

Allergens January 2024

We have a School Lunch service available to all pupils at St George’s Primary School. The price for a meal including dessert is £2.50 daily. We have chosen Weymouth College to provide us with School Lunches.  There are 4 choices of main meals which includes a vegetarian option, baked potato and cold packed lunches.

Orders are placed and paid for in advance and meals are delivered to school every day. All the meals conform to current Government food and nutritional standards.

The menus are added to the school website every term. You can only order school lunches through our online payment system SchoolMoney.

Meals must be ordered and paid for in advance. Meals are free for pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.  Orders for the first week of term must be placed two weeks before the end of the previous term.  Please contact the office if you do not have internet access.